Friday, February 18, 2005

Disable All Spellchecks: The Language Destandardization Manifesto

Kindergartners should be taught how to disable a spellcheck in the first month of school. Perhaps for legal documents there could be a standardized language like Latin or the Queen's English whitch would wither up and die amongst the public parlance. Because otherwise mein freud I see no need for language standardization of any kind Least of all spelling.

People ask me how come if this site is about language destandardization, how come ALL of the words aren't spelled/used wrongly? I tell you. Because the object is FREEDOM. You MAY use/spell however you want here. Language is a game in many respects, and a "living" system. So why not?

What gives with peeple who get all pinched about spelling and the finer points of grammar? As if there was some Moral imperitive to it all, whitch there surely is Not. It is perhaps closer to a kind of internalized imperialist sense of linguistic manifest destiny, dig? They waste so much actual time on that shite - time when they could be Living. I condemn't.


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