Punk!tuation! is all. about creative license ...
You have to ,feel, [the freedom] as you let go. of> former constraints
To: destandardize punctuation. is to play with time? as well as space?
You. are. altering. -- the way, the sentence -- reads. and. flows. and. its cadence
And you are making \physical\ changes in its }structure{ by inserting--->O punctuation _here or *there as it suits you)
Are paragraph breaks punctuation!
They are arent they and apostrophes too!
Are $CAPITAL$ letters punctuation!
The Answer Is, Yes And all punctuation should be Punk!tuation)))))))
Very interesting. How do you feel about double contractions? (e.g. "I wouldn't've done that this way.")
I inquire only because Google yields few serious articles about the double contraction.
St.G, at 11:05 AM
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